十二月聖誕節加換季打折不買幾件怎麼對得起自己呢?這次分享的是最近入手的幾件衣服跟配件,也終於購入想很久的單寧排釦A字裙!從去年一直流行到現在的丹寧風,衣櫥裡不多個幾件就太不on trend了。而鬆垮感的漁夫帽也是找很久的單品,終於看到urban outfitter有材質、版型跟價格都很不錯的一頂!最後高領毛衣也是冬天必備,緊領口的設計可以修飾臉型,偶爾也可以把頭髮紮進去打造慵懶隨性的風格。
Hey guys! It's been Christmas and New Year sale for a while and I bought some stuffs for my 2016. I finally got my dream button denim pencil skirt, which has been on trend since summer 2015 and all the way to early spring 2016. Denim skirt or suspender skirt is definitely a must-have item in your closet and you'll find how easy to mix-match it with any of your apparel. Also, a bucket hat is something that I've been searching for and I finally found one! This navy flannel bucket hat is good in shape as well as in quality with a super great discount. And lastly, pullover sweater is a winter must-have, too! I found that tight turtleneck can help shape your face. On the other hand if you put your hair inside the sweater it can also create a laid-back and casual winter look :)
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