終於到紐約安居成功!時隔上次更新文章已經整整一個月,實在是因為中間太多事情要處理。出國前後每天都累到倒在床上就瞬間睡著,每天過得極度充實。從八月初抵達紐約也快滿一個月,累積好多東西想放上部落格來分享啊~這篇單純就把這陣子的生活小記錄用照片交代一下 :)
Finally settle down in NYC! I know it has been a month since last update because there were too many stuffs to deal with before school starts. I was literally fell in sleep in ten minute whenever I crushed in my bed, I definitely lived my recent life to the fullest. I arrived in NYC on 8/2 and during this month I got lots things to share with you guys, so I just simply put some photo diary here :)
澤西市區 Downtown Jersey City
不得不說紐約真的是個神奇的地方,距離上次來已經兩年了,但再度踏進曼哈頓的街道仍是有種說不出來的懷念感。覺得這個城市擁擠的程度跟台北沒兩樣,塞車觀光客正妹帥哥俯拾即是,跟台北一樣有著各式各樣目不暇給的餐廳和酒吧,最不一樣的是骯髒又悶熱的地鐵,和貴翻天的物價。其他我覺得我都適應良好,從觀光客到紐約客的過渡期感覺已經接近尾聲。但看到boutique shops充滿特色的櫥窗和逛不完的店,心裡仍會不禁響起尖叫聲。
New York is an AMAZING place. I think the word AMAZING still cannot describe the way I feel about this city. The last time I was here was about 2 years ago when I finished my exchange student program. The memories and feelings all came flooding back to my mind when I stepped on streets of Manhattan. The crowdedness of this city is much the same as Taipei: traffic jam, tourists, hot girls and boys are all everywhere. There are also various kinds of bistro and bars. However the most different parts are filthy, scorching hot subway and the sky-high cost of living. Anyway, I feel like I'm doing pretty well here, and gradually transforming from tourist to a New Yorker (hope so). But every time when I saw boutique shops and all these fancy stores I still can't hold back the shopaholic blood in my vein!
- 紐約公立圖書館 The New York Public Library
- 7 Avenue & 34th street. Saying hi to new Burberry goddess, Kate Moss & Cara Delevingne.
So how's new life here? 首先是找房子。
離開大學生活也一陣子了,因此要我回去跟大學生擠宿舍,我想還是免了。於是先上airbnb找短租,找房子找了一個禮拜左右塵埃落定,住在離曼哈頓隔一條河的Jersey City。這裡治安好房子新,物價還比NYC便宜許多。而當初我們找房子的目標就是想找有管理的社區大樓,不僅有保全管理較安心,包裹信件也比較不會不見 (紐約寄包裹寄到不見或是放在門口被拿走是家常便飯啊。) 最開心的還是有健身房游泳池,房租甚至比學校宿舍便宜啊.... 跑了幾趟IKEA和網路上買便宜家具,弄了一兩個禮拜總算有家的感覺了~
Since I left college for a while, it's a bit strange and reluctant to live in small but expensive dorm. Therefore I rented an Airbnb and looking for apartment at the same time. After one week we found a lovely and convenient apartment in Jersey City. The place is safe and secure with new building and lower cost of living. The building also has concierge, gym and pool, but the price is even much cheaper than school dorm! Then we went to IKEA and few stores couples times, and finally set up all things in 2 weeks :)
We moved in like this: only a few luggages and no furniture at all. And please ignore my sloppy outfit that day...well, is there anyone can demonstrate hot chic move-in look?
就這樣我們過著幾天沒有家具、睡在氣墊床上的生活,然後每天開車去IKEA, targets, BathBedBeyond好幾趟採購需要的生活用品
We lived a few days without any furnitures and slept on air mattress. Driving to IKEA, targets, BathBedBeyond several times to buy everything needed.
Great skyline view from our apartment. Beautiful Hudson River with warm sunshine at the pool.
And while setting up the whole place, I tried to cook myself some nice healthy food in order to SAVE MONEY :)
Bacon avocado spaghetti with tomato sauce, yum yum!
趁著開學前,室友們也陸續抵達,於是展開幾次小小的city tour! 搭著地鐵騎著腳踏車,享受紐約九月前還殘存的一些陽光跟熱度,在學校附近explore餐廳和放鬆的據點。
So I went out and explored the city for while with my roomies. We rode bike to several places and enjoyed the sunshine and warm before September comes, and looked for cool relaxing spots and restaurants near FIT.
韓國城的韓式燒肉 Miss Korea BBQ at Korean Town
還有在Madison Square Park野餐,吃的是文青漢堡 Shake Shack
Picnic at Madison Square Park with the so-called "hipster burger", Shake Shack
Then we went to Central Park and laid down on the great lawn.
第五大道上的樂高專賣店 LEGO Store on 5th Avenue
還有一間很有特色的家具店 Restoration Hardware。有著很多復古風的家具跟家飾品,最喜歡通往二樓的鏡子樓梯,有點霍格華茲的感覺。
While heading to Madison Square Park, we found a vintage furniture store called Restoration Hardware. They got tons of classic and fashion furniture as well as home decors. I love their mirror stairs which reminds me of Hogwarts!
逛到SOHO區時乍見以前公司代理的品牌---Jerome Dreyfuss,是一個法國設計師品牌。可能有些人之前沒聽過這牌子,不過Jerome他老婆是大名鼎鼎的女鞋設計師---Isabel Marant,她之前還有跟H&M做過跨品牌合作。總之最可愛的是,夫妻倆在Broome Street上的店就緊緊相鄰在一起欸!超甜蜜啊!
While roaming to SOHO, I was so surprise to see the brands I used to work for in Taiwan, Jerome Dreyfuss, a French designer whom you might not heard about before. But his wife is the famous women shoes desginer, Isabel Marant. And the cutest part is that their stores are right next to each other on Broome Street ! So sweet!
"You deserve better sleep" --- 另一間在SOHO逛到的寢具店,名字叫做COCO MAT,店員非常親切友善,標榜全天然有機的枕頭跟床墊。
Another store we found in SOHO is COCO MAT, an all-natural and organic bedding shop. The pillows and mattress are SUPER comfy, and the clerks are also very welcoming and friendly.
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我有一個在紐約生活七年的朋友大力推薦Lady M,他說是全紐約最好吃的蛋糕了!來這裡不能不吃招牌千層蛋糕,還有綠茶千層蛋糕,其他像是草莓跟起司口味也都超好吃!
One of my friend who has lived in NYC over 7 years told me this is the best cake in the city, Lady M. Don't miss the signature Mille Crêpes and Green Tea Mille Crêpes. Others such as strawberry and Gâteau Nuage are also super awesome!
再來介紹一間有點厲害的咖啡店 Porto Ricco Importing Co.,從外觀看起來就是很歷史悠久的店,裡面除了販賣品質良好的咖啡豆,口渴經過點杯飲料也是不錯喝唷!
We passed by a historic little coffee shop called Porto Ricco Importing Co. In addition to dry coffee beans, there's also fresh brewed tea and coffee for thirsty people just like us.
Some more photos...
其實今天是開學第一天,不過在那之前我們已經參加整整一個禮拜的新生訓練,而且是認真的每天都要去學校... 雖然我跟我室友兩個人翹了一些但我們幾乎全程參與!累翻!基本上還是因為怕錯過重要的資訊,但最害怕的還是回去當學生...大學生活離我們太遙遠了...總之幾天下來真的覺得FIT是個溫馨可愛又不錯好的學校,每天都可以看到一堆正妹帥哥穿得很時尚在學校走來走去,同學跟路人們基本上各個都是穿搭達人,整個校園都是我的伸展台。
So today is actually the first day of school. Before that we had a whole week orientation, and we had to go to school literally EVERYDAY before school even officially starts. Well me and my roommate skipped a few sessions, but we still participated most of it. We are just too afraid to miss important infos and, most importantly, we're afraid of being a student again! (guess we are just too old for college life lol) Anyway, FIT is really a nice and cute school, and you can find stylish girls and boys everywhere in the campus. It's great to get some inspiration on daily outfit from your classmate or just a passersby, the whole campus is like runway. Literally.
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