

開學一個禮拜過去了,緊接著來到的是Labor Day三天的連假,算是為剛開學的忙碌多點喘息空間,所以有空來寫篇食記分享一下。今天這篇文章純粹想記錄第一間在紐約吃到的五星級餐廳--- Chef's Club。雖說是五星級餐廳,但醜話說在前頭---價格當然也是五星級的貴啊!真的是個不能常吃的價位....要不是因為三週年紀念日外加遠距離暫告一段落 (算是犒賞自己),平常真的不會走進這種貴鬆鬆的地方。

It's been a week since school starts, and Labor Day weekend is on the corner which gives the hustle bustle first week a small break, so that I'm able to write this article. I just want to record the first high-class restaurant I went in NYC---Chef's Club. But the price is pretty expensive as well...YOU JUST CAN'T EAT THIS ALL THE TIME! for sure. But since me and my boyfriend just ended our long-distance and we wanted to celebrate our 3 year anniversary, so.... here we came!

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所以這裏到底是哪裏?Chef's Club位在蘇活區Mulberry Street上,外表長得有點低調,經過時可能會以為是一邊的住宅。推開典雅的大門,內裝非常紐約風---略帶奢華感的工業風,配上磚牆、酒窖和開放式廚房,氣氛輕鬆卻又保留高級餐廳的質感。由Food & Wine挑選出的最佳新銳廚師們,聚集在此發揮創意和廚藝,打造新穎又美味的佳餚。

Just in case that someone didn't hear about this place before: Chef's Club by Food & Wine NY locates on Mulberry Street in SOHO. The exterior looks pretty low-profile as you probably won't notice this is a restaurant while passing by. Upon walking through the entrance, the luxury, vintage industrial decor, with brick walls, ceiling-high wine shelf and open kitchen, give the restaurant a relaxing and upscale ambience. "Playing host to an innovative menu, expertly-crafted dishes from Food & Wine's Best New Chefs are served straight from an open kitchen."

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Briefly introduce what we ordered:

前菜 Appetizer - Island Creek Oysters
非常新鮮的小牡蠣,只是我大叔心作祟,不禁把它跟台灣夜市賣的超大顆牡蠣比了一下...不過加上些許醃黃瓜、韭菜和奇妙調味的牡蠣吃起來更鮮甜、毫無腥味!配上侍酒師推薦的白酒跟氣泡酒,我覺得升天了,好想再多吃10個 (但沒錢)。

Super fresh and sweet. But I think it was just a bit smaller than the ones in Taiwan's night market. Mixing with fresno chili, cucumber mignonette, the oysters tasted more delicate and less smell. Super delicious with recommended white wine and sparkling wine.

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主菜 Entree - Colorado Lamb Chops / Black Bass

Lamb chops tasted extra tender with gravy and the sauce perfectly matched each other. The most impressive part was the medium-rare meat---juicy and still remained the special smell of lamb, in a good way. The side dishes were endive, wheat berries, pear, and the super delicious cotechino. Highly recommend to those who love red meats.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset 海鱺也十分美味,軟嫩卻充滿彈性的口感,搭配帶有酸橙味的醬汁,清爽不膩頗適合夏天。因為我只有吃幾口就埋頭大啖我的羊肉,所以我對它沒什麼太多感想,只是覺得配酒很順口也很開胃。果然我還是愛紅肉跟紅酒!

Black bass was awesome as well. Tender but a bit chewy. I love the sauce as it's a bit sour with citron flavor which refreshed my appetite in hot summer. But I just prefer lamb more.

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甜點 Dessert - Sorbet Pudding (Dessert of the month) / Strawberry cake (free)
吃完正餐,服務生馬上送上甜點菜單,身為兩個胃理論擁護者,當然要狠狠給他點下去,畢竟錢已經噴到一半就讓它噴個徹底吧!點了Dessert of the month,因為我想吃酸甜感的布丁。結果一上甜點,只能說驚為天人!因為無敵酸!但還好我是個愛吃酸的少女,配著微冰的氣泡酒,轉眼間就吃完了。

After entree, we ordered the Dessert of the Month --- some kind of sour flavor pudding with sorbet on top. It tasted super sour but I LOVE IT, so I finished it in seconds along with my sparkling wine.

最讓我感動加驚喜的,莫過於餐廳招待的草莓巧克力慕斯蛋糕了!精緻的擺盤寫上Happy Anniversary,少女心滿點。至於到底餐廳是怎麼知道我們是週年晚餐的 (因為訂位時我們完全沒有跟餐廳提到),合理的推測是因為我拿著一朵紅玫瑰。我想正常人沒事不會拿一朵玫瑰花啦哈哈哈,可見餐廳多體貼入微啊!

The most surprising part was that the restaurant served us a free chocolate strawberry mousse with beautifully written "Happy Anniversary" on the plate! AWWWWW~ But how the hell did they know it was our anniversary? I guess it's because I carried a red rose with me and normally people don't do that for a normal dinner lol. Anyway, they were just way too considering!

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酒 Wine -Domaine Kreydenweiss, Riesling, Alsace 2009 /Les Granges Paquenesses, Brut, Crmant Du Jura Nv
Not much to comment because it was very very good, but expensive.

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「Happy 3rd Year Anniversary」

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打到這邊美食的部分暫告一段落。感謝貼心男友精心挑選的餐廳,讓這天變得浪漫又飽足。話說基本上不用送我什麼禮物,只要有一頓美食我就心滿意足了啊!(真好打發)寫到這邊有點感慨,三年是個不長不短的時間,但這中間80%我們都在台灣-美國遠距離。遠距離的瘋狂與哀桑,想必有經歷過的人都能體會,沒經歷過的人希望你們一輩子也不要遇到這種鳥狀況。總之,小小的紐約食記到此結束。Happy Weekend :)

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ps. 有點不時尚的約會穿搭 :P


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